
Computer Skills


Scenario Score

Virtual Cell

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Scenario Score Sheet

Each person who is grading our subjective scenarios is trained to a standard. When the person is grading they use a grade sheet specific to the question. The following grade sheet is used for the Skeletal Muscle Myopathy scenario.


Scenario: Skeletal Muscle Myopathy

Name ________________________

General Problem Solving - 55 possible points from sections A, B and C

A. Form Hypothesis; 20 pts possible; select the statement that best applies

Score A: _____

a. Stated and Correct (20)
b. Implied and Correct (10)
c. Implied Only (5)
d. Stated and Incorrrect (10)
B. Design Experiments; 20 pts possible; select all that are mentioned or implied in the answer

Score B: _____

a. Perform Test (5)
b. Expt. Design, Controls, Comparison, Scientific Method (5)
c. 1st Specific Test (5)
d. 2nd Specific Test (3)
e. Inappropriate Test (2)
C. Conclusions based on evidence/theory; 15 pts possible; select all that are mentioned or implied in the answer

Score C: _____

a. Results used to compare organelles (5)
b. Correct organelle has reduced activity (10)
Speciifc information - 30 possible points from sections D and E

D. Mitochondria; 15 pts possible; select all that are mentioned or implied in the answer

Score D: _____

a. Mention (5)
b. Specific assay - ATP synthesis, Succinate Dehydrogenase (5)
c. Energy/ATP (5)
E. Golgi Apparatus; 15 pts possible; select all that are mentioned or implied in the answer

Score E: _____

a. Mention (5)
b. Specific assay such as glycosyl transferase (5)
c.Protein processing (5)
Expert knowledge - 15 possible points from section F

F. Professional details; up to 15 pts possible; points received only if a topic is mentioned in general detail

Score F: _____

a. Fractionation (5)
b. Contamination (5)
c. Personal history (5)
d. Heredity (5)
e. Instruments (5)
TOTAL _____/100

For more information you can contact Phil McClean, one of the co-project managers.

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